Why accepting that you are never 100% right will change your life

Remember how in the last episode I talked a bit about my former career as a competitive pianist? We’re picking up that thread in today’s episode. Don’t worry, I’m not just reliving my glory days – I’ve got a point. I feel like it’s a good one. In this episode you’ll learn how my piano playing and acting careers taught me an important skill that I need to employ now more than ever.

The ability to tear apart and examine our own interpretations and invite the interpretations of others in order to uncover beautiful, richer melodies and meanings.

Every human being on the planet is unique in their ability to see the world, and the world you see isn’t the same one I see whether I like it or not. 

This is important for two reasons:

First of all, if this is true, then we can choose a different interpretation. If you are living in a world of circumstances you don’t like right now, you have an opportunity to pull apart your circumstance and look for the hidden beautiful melodies, the unique shape of the phrase that makes this circumstance SOMETHING DIFFERENT and better for you.

Second, if this is true, then we are never 100% right.

If we can accept that we are never 100% right – that our perspective will shape our interpretation – then we can start to have real conversations about the world, transformative conversations, nonjudgmental conversations that are about solving problems and creating beauty instead of tearing one another down. 

If you don’t like the way you’ve been interpreting the world these days, you can change it. 

Kindly participate in conversations with people who interpret this world differently than you do.

And seek worthy teachers who will guide you in this process if you need them.

That’s my challenge to you this week.