Conquer Your Fear

Want a great book to read with your kids? Check out Jocko Willink’s Way of the Warrior Kid.

This book will change your life. Not only because of how kiddos really light up when somebody OTHER than their parents tell them how to eat, exercise, and exert themselves. But because a lot of the lessons in this book are poignant for grown-ups as well.

I confess, the Erica you hear in October is going to be braver, stronger, and more of a risk-taker than the Erica you hear giving you this podcast episode. And that’s scary. But it is also thrilling and exciting. The only reason the goals I have in my heart are there is because I AM THE PERSON THE WORLD NEEDS TO FULFILL THIS PURPOSE.

You have scary dreams and goals too. And you are endowed with these because you are the person meants to fulfill them. Take action today. This is the only life you get.