Consistency is Queen

I listened to a GREAT podcast the other day, the Ecommerce Badassery podcast with Jessica Totillo Coster. She talked about having a boring business

I love a shiny object and I LOVE chasing new things in the pursuit of my dreams. The appeal of something new is nearly irresistible. But in that podcast Jessica was reminding us that a boring business had a lot of appeal too… like predictable revenue, scalable and replicable processes, a framework to build on instead of constantly chasing new things. 

My own attraction to the appeal of the new was on full display this week when the Email Mavens did our quarterly planning. I wanted to launch something entirely new, and came to our planning session ready to enroll everybody on the exciting new journey. But as we went through the process of reviewing the previous quarter’s results – what worked, what didn’t, our progress towards the goals we set already – it was evident that launching something NEW was not the best effort and that solidifying what we already had launched, refining those processes, and scaling our existing value offers HAD to take priority. 

I was like …. BORRRRRING

BUT MY TEAM WAS NOT. You could see their eyes light up at the prospect of being able to really WIN with the business we already had. 

I’m over here trying to throw new spaghetti on the wall and they’re like, let’s keep the spaghetti in the pot and share some of it and find out what people like about it so we can refine the recipe and make it the best spaghetti anybody has ever had.

So, we declared Q2 as the quarter of doing less, better.

To achieve this , we have to be CONSISTENT. We have to show up every day and use the system we have in place, share findings, and recommend refinements. We have to try and sell more of what we already have and get lots of feedback from our customers and prospects to know if what we’re selling gets them the outcome they’re looking for. 

The new things I want to create are all exciting, and they will get their time in the sun (and then I’ll probably become bored with them quickly too). They will have a higher chance of success if I build them on top of the slid foundation we are creating through consistency today.

In your pursuit of the impossible, you may find yourself needing to resist the temptation of the new. You may need to ground yourself in the success of consistently doing less, better.

In 2024, I have consistently worked on my thoughts every morning. I’ve looked at my big goal for the year every day, and my smaller supportive goals for the year EVERY WEEK. I’m consistently getting better at following through on the commitments of my time, and identifying refinements to that process because I have a firmer and firmer foundation in place every time I do it.

Consistency is king… er, QUEEN.

If you run every day, even without setting a goal for speed or time or distance, you will get better JUST FROM SHOWING UP. 

You can get better faster with a training plan, and go farther with a coach. But don’t downplay the unglamorous appeal of just showing up.

If you find yourself feeling a little bored or resisting the temptation of the new, or if you feel stuck because you aren’t getting results the way you’d like to, don’t give up yet. Remind yourself of the power of consistency and celebrate yourself just for showing up. 

You may surprise yourself with how far you go by doing less, better, consistently.

Until next week my incredible impossible goal achievers, work hard, mom harder, show up every day and let’s change the world through consistent action.