
Dreams Coming True

Almost two years later, the podcast is back! I’m taking imperfect but MASSIVE action and just making things happen right now, and that includes bringing back regular weekly episodes of The Work Hard Mom Harder podcast to share my progress towards an impossible goal. More on that to come, but for now, enjoy the return.


Your mid-year check-in

This one’s probably not what you expect from Erica. Not a cheerleading session. Not a “you can do it, get after it, crush your goals” kind of episode. Because right now, that kind of episode simply wouldn’t be honest for me. I’m having to SAY NO to a lot more than I ever have. And


Hudson Month 2022

This year, Hudson would have been 10. July is the month we celebrate her life and give back to an important organization, and today’s episode outlines some of the ways you can get involved if you’d like to. But if you’re new to the podcast, or new to our story, perhaps today’s most important lesson


Four Years in Business (Three Lessons Learned)

What a crazy ride these past four years have been. I’d love to hear from you after you listen to this week’s episode: Have you started a business, a side hustle, a non-profit, a book club, a Bunko group? What lessons have you learned along the way? I’d love to hear your feedback, so leave



Marlowe is a three-nager and it isn’t cool. Preschool dropoff has been a total nightmare, and I’ve tried everything – treats, dance parties, and bribes of all kinds – to make it less of a trainwreck. This week, I’ve finally got some traction. What worked? Setting super clear expectations ALL MORNING LONG. And then, dropping


What do Mario Kart and List-Building have in common?

Take a listen, then let me know in the comments which of the four ideas I’ve shared for growing your list (aka your LEVERAGE) you’re most excited to try. Newsletter find-and-replace ADD one new opt-in form to your digital footprint Design how you’ll grow your email list from in-person touchpoints Incorporate a Growth Loop!


Clusterfeeding is basically batchworking

Let’s Talk about Clusterfeeding Clusterfeeding is when a baby started eating much more frequently- in clusters- for a period of time. When Archer was about 6 weeks old, she started cluster-feedgin from about 4pm-8:30pm – and then, like the little miracle baby that she is, she started sleeping through the night – in 11 hour


Erica Riffs – Your Proudest Accomplishment!

It’s Anson’s 8th birthday!! So even though I have an entire outline for the different content planned this week, I wanted to riff instead and share a major breakthrough a-ha moment I had last night, and what it means for you in life and in business. This is not the podcast episode I had planned


The Return, and Why I’ve been Quiet

Soooo a lot has happened since the last episode of the Work Hard, Mom Harder podcast. On March 7 of 2021, I headed out the door for a quick Sunday morning run. I mean quick. I just wanted to see how fast I could run one mile.About halfway through my run I had a nagging