How to start a business

I’ve thrown a kid’s birthday party, and it’s pretty much the same. It’s better when you let people help When in doubt, focus on one KEY important element and cut all the fat Yes it’s stressful, but it’s also rewarding. All of it is pulled together when you remember WHO IT IS FOR. Stick it


Introducing The School of Maddox

I aspire to my daughter’s level of intensity. She’s Intensity in Ten Cities. She’s fierce. Today’s episode launches the mini-series The School of Maddox, where I’ll be sharing the specific lessons this fiery, fierce, fearless redhead is teaching me, along with practical ways I’m applying the lessons.  As a fitting follow up to last week’s episode


Afraid to fail? I call bullshit.

I start today’s episode with a landmark moment in my life. A person I met with today (on a totally different topic) shared with me that she’s going to start a side hustle because of my Women In Business keynote from last year. Hold. The. Phone. This was her takeaway from an exercise we did


Screentime: it’s slowly crushing our children’s souls

Maddox just had her three-year checkup, and the pediatrician’s biggest concern about our feisty redhead was the amount of time she spends daily in front of a screen. He said, I quote, “I believe that screentime is slowly crushing our childrens’ souls.” Eek! So I spent some time this weekend designing a way to track


Suspend your disbelief like a kid at Disneyland

We just got back from Disneyland, and I’m suffering from a legit sinus infection. Despite this, I had the BEST TIME experiencing the Happiest Place On Earth with our kids. And there’s a huge life lesson that perhaps the steroids and antibiotics are making stand out more: We adults need to suspend our disbelief and


Erica Riffs #3: On Gifts

Riffin’ on giftin’. Anson in his Christmas jammies the other night started to embody Santa Claus. He benevolently gifted his sister a unicorn before turning to me and saying “Merry Christmas! Here’s… some OFFICE WORK.” That’s what he thinks I want for Christmas? You know, I’m not even mad. I’m impressed… with myself! Because I


You can’t do everything.

Anybody else feeling overwhelmed as we head into the busy holiday season? *Raises hand* A few months ago, as I was discussing the addition of this podcast creation and management into my already jam-packed schedule, my husband volunteered to take the kids on a Sunday afternoon so I would have a quiet house to myself