It’s hard to believe, but I’ve been doing this whole podcast thing for an entire year now! The pilot was published on August 12, 2019, the DAY before I had the opportunity to give a keynote speech to a room full of women for the Walla Walla Valley Chamber of Commerce Women in Business luncheon.
Erica Riffs: Hudson’s Month Update
My sweet daughter keeps teaching lessons even eight years after she passed away… In today’s riff, I share the update on our fundraising initiative –
Interview with a Budding Business Superstar
This week’s episode is a bit of a change-up. I’m so excited to introduce you to my intern, Elena Harris. Elena has been working with
School of Maddox – Be Less Agreeable
Where my people-pleasers at!? I know this episode will resonate for you, if you struggle with being silent to avoid offending people, if you say
The Story of our Lives
Pretend for a moment that you are the author of your own life’s story. What kind of a story would you write?What would be the
Looking for bright spots
This week’s podcast guest is a human you’ve already met – my incredible sister Nikki! Almost 1 year after her last appearance on the podcast,
Conquer Your Fear
Want a great book to read with your kids? Check out Jocko Willink’s Way of the Warrior Kid. This book will change your life. Not
Running in the Summer (and spreading hope in dark times)
This episode is important. It’s special. And it references a lot of important things that I need to link to, so I’m just going to
Why accepting that you are never 100% right will change your life
Remember how in the last episode I talked a bit about my former career as a competitive pianist? We’re picking up that thread in today’s
Good is the enemy
I owe you all an apology. One of my goals is to transform lives with this podcast. And I haven’t been doing you any favors with